Production capacity development

Contracts CD 2023

Green Agrevolution Private Limited (De Haat) - USD 120,500 Technical Assistance

The objectives of Nari Shakti 2.0 project are to identify models for how to engage and support women self-help groups (SHGs) to become Women Micro-entrepreneurs (MEs) there by increasing their income, and in developing them as a channel to empower and support women smallholder farmers (WSHFs) in rural India.

Climate Focus B.V. - EUR 63,198 Technical Assistance

The objective of this funding is two-fold. Firstly, it is to generate an overview and understanding on current market standards and practises related to the (financial) benefit sharing of carbon proceeds among stakeholders and beneficiaries. Secondly, this project seeks to provide clear guidance to FMO and FMO’s customers on the implementation and communication of carbon credit benefit sharing.

ALIVE Early Growth Fund II LP - USD 300,000 Development Contribution

FMO’s funding will be used to contribute to the ALEG 2’s accompanying Technical Assistance Facility. The TA facility will be used to hire external advisors to help portfolio companies of the fund with 1) Beneficiary-driven business insights & Impact monitoring and reporting 2) Gender research studies and gender & diversity action plans to bridge gender and diversity gaps 3) Climate resilience strategies for investees which offer climate solutions 4) Business development support service.

Technoserve - EUR 250,000 Technical Assistance

By setting up this framework agreement with TechnoServe and its connection to CASA, FMO CD is better able to provide efficient and effective technical assistance for its current and prospect portfolio through a strong and experienced partner. The objective of the technical assistance will be to increase the smallholder impact of existing investments by providing technical assistance that expands agribusinesses’ development impact and commercial growth. With stronger smallholder supply chains, the objective is also to increase the inclusion of the poorest and most marginal smallholders in commercial agricultural markets.

HPW Fresh Dry Ghana - EUR 410,000 Development Contribution

The proposed TA project aims to support the subsidiary and farmers in Burkina Faso to improve the quality of the produce. The project comprises of three separate workstreams which support organisational strengthening activities as well as sector support.

Global Food and Agribusiness Network - EUR 28,000 Development Contirbution

The Global Food and Agribusiness Network Peer Ederer are to develop 2 case studies, to be used during the African Cheetahs Conference 2024, co-organized with IFC & Finnfund. Peer Ederer has developed the cases for the previous ACCs in 2020 and 2022 and is one of the keyfactors of the success of the conference.

SolarX Ltd - EUR 54,309 Technical Assistance

Environmental and social capacity building services for solar C&I company SolarX.

Stichting Wageningen Research - EUR 60,000 Development Contribution

The funding objective is a three-year contribution to the Private Partnership Study for Climate Resilient Agri Sourcing in Africa (CRASA), a digital tool that indicates the effect of climate risks on different crops in Africa.

Siempelkamp India Private Litmited - EUR 37,500 Development Contribution

The objective of this project is to support FiberStrength to conduct a Feasibility Study that will evaluate and verify the feasibility and commercial potential of the establishment of the first Oriented Strand Board (OSB) production plant globally using specially processed bamboo fibre as raw material in India. The result of the feasibility study shall provide an information platform to support the project sponsors in making relevant decisions regarding the plant location, production process, supply chain organization, and quantities and type of raw materials.